I am proud to be your Brother
The words you write are like no other,
You're in a class all by yourself
The wisdom you share is all top shelf
The poems you write, the stories you tell
Are words of truth, you've gone through hell
The proud Marine that you are
Out-distances many others near and far
Your Poetic Justice on the World Wide Web
Pays a well deserved tribute to the living and the dead
Bushranger, Snake, Mineman, and the rest
In my opinion, the very best
Browsing back to our early years
The fun we had, there was no fear
One to the Navy, One Semper Fi
I love you Brother, and that's no lie...
Charles “Outlaw” Preston
©May 10, 2000
Chuck served in the United States Navy, and took part in the Cuban Crisis of the 60s. He feels that he is not a Veteran, but he is just as much a Vet as I am. I think it was only recently that Chuck understood what being a Vietnam Vet was all about, but I am thankful that now he has some idea of what we went though. Not just because of me, but because of all those who have shared their hearts in Poetic Justice.
Thank you My Brother for the great tribute.
Page created: Sunday, 28 May 2000
Page Updated: Tuesday, 13 February 2001
©2000,2001 - Richard D. Preston
All Rights Reserved