Now don't get me wrong, I think America is the greatest nation in the world. But I have a problem of late as to the condition of this great country. I see the look of discouragement on the faces of my countrymen. I see the discontentment of Americans with the work ethics our nation is adopting.  There are a staggering number of Americans out of work. It's not because they are lazy or to sorry to work, it's just that we cannot compete with the low wages being offered to the foreign element. They come here and work without taxes for a number of years and then return to their homeland to live like royalty. We on the other hand have nowhere to go. We are taxed to death as Americans. But then the fat cats in Washington need to be millionaires and live the high life that they are accustomed to. I guess that is the American way, That's taxation without representation, they in turn continue to sell American soil right out from underneath us and, we are supposed to eat shit and smile. " E Pluribus Unum" Or rather should trust.

Confused, and not at all amused

I walked into a Wal-Mart
in the heart of the good ole USA
But no matter how hard I tried to understand
I couldn't understand a word they tried to say

There were Indians, and Vietnamese
Mexicans and Russians too
Working tax free, unlike you and me
While many Americans have nothing to do

The American dream and the American Vet
Fought to keep our homeland free
But I'll be damned if the American citizen
didn't become a minority

When we fought the wars, and shed our blood
That Americans may prosper in our land
Somehow this open border and open arms
got way the hell out of hand

I've seen homeless Vets living under bridges
and countless  families living in their cars
And our government sets up foreign work programs
While unemployed Americans continue to starve.

One Brother stands on the corner
With a sign gripped in his hands
"Will work for food can you help "
While immigrants drive by in a Mercedes Benz

Made in China and Mexico,
Products of Malaysia and Taiwan, 
three languages on each box of goods
How can we keep American workers strong?

Forgive my bitterness, but I've still got some pride
And it torque's my insides tight
when I see babies sleeping in a cardboard crib
while their parents drift through the night

Sumthin's wrong with the priorities
and the good ole American government way
Makes one wonder which flag will be flying
on our next Memorial Day.

Boondocker, 5/21/2001

"Brothers dear Brothers, where did we fail thee"