My Mother's home in Heaven
Since a very long time ago
I talk to her from time to time
of things just Mothers know.
I told her there are Two Mothers
who need some special prayers,
I asked if she'd please whisper
to our Lord, since she's right there
Tell him of one Mother
long ready to come home,
She's served Him well, so save a place
close to His Heavenly throne
Her daughter is a Mother too
with daughters of her own
She's everything to everyone
and makes her heart their home
They're spending time together now
and sharing love in ways
to last throughout eternity
as Heavenly they gaze
They hope that soon they'll talk and love
a lot like you and me
Perhaps they'll sing your favorite song:
“Que Sera” ~ “ What will be, will be.”
So, Mommy, ( May I still call you that?
It's the only name I knew.)
Can you please ask His guidance
for these extra special Two?
They're Mother's just like you are
so please help to pave the way,
Gardenias sent as prayers now
for a Happy Mothers Day.
Written with Love, as a special Mothers' Day Gift
for Nancy Preston and her Mother, Helen Peek.
Note : The song and flower were really were my Mother's (Josephine)
Gardenias are still my favorite and always remind me of her.
God Bless
Lucille J. Biscaglio
©May 11, 2000
Page created: Sunday, 28 May 2000
Page Updated: Tuesday, 13 February 2001
©2000,2001 - Richard D. Preston
All Rights Reserved