There has been much to say about Veterans tears
Why do they continue to flow after so many years
It is my observation that time does not heal all wounds
I for one, cannot forget the loss of life so soon
Tears are for cleansing and do offer relief
Though temporary and very brief
I find that as soon as I try to bury my regrets
I remember to remember, what I forgot to forget!
Some say...
That grown men should grow up and shouldn't cry
Well tell me then, tell me again why soldiers have to die
And though the death of warriors means little to some
The faces of battle continue to appear in a war never won
So if it's ok and all the same to you
And if I have the God given right to choose
I'll continue to continue, to cherish those I hold dear
and honor my Brothers and Sisters of war
With the shedding of my tears.
I do not think it possible to number the tears that have been shed by the loved ones of the fallen.
Likewise, I do not think it possible for those who have not known war to understand the heart-breaking anguish of the death of a buddy - a fellow warrior with whom you lived and fought and laughed and cried and then - to hold that buddy as his spirit soared leaving behind a shell - nothing else. Except memories! And an all encompassing sense of loss!
The emptiness is all consuming; the loss of life - tragic. And time does not and can not heal the pain so deeply etched into the heart.
Relief but never Release!
Richard D. Preston
©February 19, 2000
Page created: Saturday, 27 May 2000
Page Updated: Tuesday, 13 February 2001
©2000,2001 - Richard D. Preston
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