In the land of long ago
We were young Marines
Gung Ho spit and polish
We shared the Hero's dream
We talked of Chesty Puller
Of pomp and circumstance
We swore to fight for honor
We hoped we'd get the chance
A war raged across the sea
In a place called Vietnam
Our orders came
Our Country called
We shook each others hand
Semper Fi, Leather neck
Here's a dollar torn in half
We'll glue it together when we get back
and celebrate the past.
Hell released its fury
The war took its full toll
Many fighting Devil Dogs
now guard the streets of gold
I carried that torn dollar
Through battles, jungles, heat
Thinking that when it was over
Two Dogs of War would meet.
Today at last we meet
And I lay the dollar down
Both of us have made it back
But I stand at the Wall alone.
“Touching your name engraved in Black”
Richard D. Preston
Page created: Saturday, 27 May 2000
Page Updated: Tuesday, 13 February 2001
©2000,2001 - Richard D. Preston
All Rights Reserved