He looks round about from Calvary's tree

and is saddened by the sight that he sees

the thief on his left has mocked him and scorned

as Christ's body is battered and torn


The soldiers point upward their fingers at thee

and say King of Kings you are said to be

yet you remain nailed upon that rugged old tree

blood runs from your wounds, yet you won't plea


Cast lots for His vesture, for this He won't need

Once Jesus is taken down from Calvary's tree

He thirst's, He thirst's we have heard said

give the King gall to drink for soon He'll be dead


How Christ's' eyes must burn from the blood and the sweat

as His body grows weak from the weight of sins debt

yet this ransom of blood Jesus must pay

so that mankind shall have redemption one day


The sky grows dark, the wind starts to churn

from within Christ's' heart is beginning to burn

for His heavenly Father who he now looks to see

has turned His back upon the sin, nailed to Calvary's tree


through tears I look towards the heavens above

for a sinner like me God has proven His love

with the Blood of His Son, He has paid THE PRICE

for sins of the world, God has given His life


copyright 1980, Richard D. Preston